One less at home !
The charmed circle broken -- a dear face
Missed day by day from its accustomed place ;
But , cleansed and saved and perfected by grace ,
One more in heaven

One less at home !
One voice of welcome hushed , and evermore
One farewell word unspoken ; on the shore
where parting comes not , one soul landed more --
One more in heaven !

One less at home !
a sence of loss that meets us at the gate ;
within , a place unfilled and desolate ;
And far away our coming to await ,
One more in heaven !

One less at home !
Chill as the earth-born mist the thought would rise,
And wrap our footsteps round and dim our eyes ;
But the bright sunbeam darteth from the skies--
One more in heaven !

One more at home !
This is not home , where cramped in earthly mould ,
Our sight of Christ is dim , our love is cold ;
But there , where face to face we shall behold ,
Is home and heaven !

One less on earth !
its pain , its sorrow and its toil to share ;
One less the pilgrim's daily cross to bear ;
One more the crown of ramsomed souls to wear ,
At home in heaven !

One more in heaven !
Another thought to brighten croudy days ,
Another theme for thankfulness and praise ,
Another link on high our souls to raise
To home and heaven !

One more at home !
That home where seperation cannot be ,
That home where none are missed eternally .
Lord Jesus , grant us all a place with thee ,
At home in heaven !

                by S.G.Stock


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